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URGENT! Owner needs double hip surgery. Dogs need new home.

My name is Cindy Luster & I have lived out here in De Luz since 1981. I have to have double hip surgery & can no longer care for my 2 dogs. 

Chucho (first picture) is part Lab/Retriver with redish fur. He is 4 yrs young & loves to run, chase squrirels & rabbits. Chucho loves to receive & Gives Hugs Back. He is shy & very calm & a loving personality. 

Gonzo is part Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback, 7 years old, patient & devoted. He grew up on a 10 acre Avocado Grove, so he loves avocados & mexican food as well. He has a very calm personality, will bark if strangers come on the property. He is shy & he smiles. He loves to be petted & would make an older person a great companion.

Both dogs are outdoor dogs w/ shelter. They are used to living on a 10 acre Avocado Grove so a place with a lot of room would be preferred. 
They are both very calm and good guard dogs but they do not bite.
To see or adopt Gonzo & Chucho please email me at, or call me at (323) 939-1462. 
The dogs are at my property in Fallbrook, North County San Diego, in the De Luz area.
The irrigator is making sure that they have food & water but they are out there all alone and need love & attention, not just someone making sure food is there.

Please help my find Chucho and Gonzo a home! They are lovely dogs and make great companions.

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