
"DeLuzNews We All Can Use"

Wake up my fellow De Luzians! real high speed is here

De Luzians (Heights and Canyon),


We now have our first foot print and first customer connected to with phenomenal upload/download results. And, they are looking to begin rolling out the service to the rest of De Luz (Heights and Canyon)  so if you haven't registered on 1on1's web site, you need to so that Dustin knows if you are in the current coverage area. If you're not don't worry because the coverage area will be getting larger as he adds more customers to the network. For those of you who may live up on the hills you need to contact Dustin and let him know because the service is line of sight and the higher his service is the better coverage for everyone.


PS: The other bonus you may be able to take advantage of is connecting your cell phone to the internet so you can get rid of your home phone. There is an appliance that you need to buy from your cell carrier that plugs into the internet but once you get that you can use your cell inside your house. Basically like cordless phone.  


I hope Dustin has my service going by the middle of this week. Once he does you're welcome to come over with your laptop, connect to my network and check out his speeds if you want.

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